1. The Display Containers are As Beautiful as The Flowers:
The arrangements available through The Million Roses are all nestled inside gorgeous containers that utilize color, texture, and modern design to create a stunning base for the flowers of your choice. Even the single roses come in a variety of gorgeous containers!
2. There is a Price Point for Everyone:
Just like with fresh roses, you can adjust the size of your arrangement to help offset cost. If you want to start with a mini arrangement, you will spend far less than if you purchase multiple dozens of roses at once. You can even buy a single, statement rose. It is super cost-effective and a great gift for dozens of occasions!
3. They Ship Right To Your Door:
You can get an arrangement from The Million Roses delivered to you for far less than traditional flower vendors. Some of our shipping options are even totally free! Of course, we even offer expedited air shipping for less than $40!
4. You Can Order Early:
Ordering fresh flowers requires you to operate in this tiny window of time when shipping costs the lowest but you won’t get the flowers so early that they die before anyone sees them. Preserved flowers are totally different. Have money now for a gift you are giving in two months? Go ahead and order your preserved arrangement and know that with minimal care (maybe a dusting before you hand them over) your roses will look just as good when you give them as when you ordered them!
5. They Have a Non-Traditional Design
Fresh Flowers are pretty limited in the way they can be arranged due to the need to be in water-tight bases.
Preserved roses are totally different.
The Million Roses has arrangements in a variety of shapes and with different heights and geometric appeals, so your flowers will be as unique as you desire. Try out a heart-shaped arrangement for your valentine or opt for a staggered, square setup that displays each of your roses in all their glory!